We know when the fourth season of Stranger Things will air

In a letter to fans of the Stranger Things series, the Dufner Brothers, the creators behind this production, reveal valuable information. The most important is the broadcast date of season 4. As often with Netflix series , the latter will be broadcast in two parts:

  • the premiere will air on May 27
  • the second will be broadcast on July 1

We don't know yet how many episodes they will make but if we base ourselves on the previous seasons we should have between eight and nine episodes. Season 1 had eight, then nine for season 2 and eight again for season 3.

While we left our heroes in a very bad position three years ago, things don't look much better for the future. According to the creative duo, season 4 is the darkest, the scariest but at the same time the funniest. What is certain is that we will see all the colors.

Then, the two brothers announce an upcoming end to the series as a whole: “Seven years ago, we planned the entire story of Stranger Things. At the time we thought we could tell it in four or five seasons. It turned out to be too vast to be told in four. But, as you will soon notice, we are slowly but surely heading towards the end. Season 4 is the penultimate, season 5 will be the last. »
